Paranormal Researchers for Kent

Paranormal Researchers for Kent

Paranormal Site Investigators


Paranormal Researchers for Kent are a small group of paranormal site investigators that are looking for the truth. Simply put, we will investigate any property that is reported to be haunted with an open mind. Our aim is to breath new life into the paranormal industry by taking a scientific approach and de-bunking old outdated methods with hard undisputable evidence on all our investigations.  


Do you feel that your home or place of work could be haunted?

We are here to help anyone who believes that they are experiencing some form of paranormal activity, such as hauntings or poltergeists’ activity and to assess the extent of their problem and the likely cause, whether it be in your home or place of work.

We have a local team of experienced paranormal researchers throughout Kent, Thanet and Dover area. Our investigators use scientific methodology to investigate anomalous paranormal phenomena and try to establish whether the events that you are experiencing are caused by natural causes or not.

Paranormal Researchers for Kent are Paranormal Site Investigators and was recently formed because we recognise that there are people who experience these types of events and that they believe them to be paranormal in nature, but have either no one to talk to or no where to turn without the fear of ridicule. Our hope is that we can help you put your fears to rest by disproving what you may think is a ghost and give an explanation by identifying the causes through rational and scientific methods. Meet the team.


What we do.

We use our trained instincts and use scientific methodology to investigate anomalous paranormal phenomena.

We have a dedicated team of investigators who discretely investigate paranormal cases.

We conduct research and use our investigations as a means of trying to find out what causes these events.

We investigate and observe with a strict code of ethics and client confidentially.


What we do not do.

We do not use mediums or undertake exorcisms or seances, nor do we use quija boards to contact spirits or the recently departed. We do not belong to any faith or religious groups.


How we do it.

We will take your details with a brief scenario of events.

Arrange a visit and undertake a review of events.

Commit to an investigation(s) should it be required.

Ask the client to agree our consent form.

Investigate the events at the location discreetly.

Try to establish whether the events are caused by natural causes.

Report back via e-mail to the client with our conclusion once all the evidence has been collected.



Please feel free to donate to our cause that will allow us to continue our research into the paranormal.


We often get asked the question, what makes us any different from other paranormal investigators? As you have all seen from the popular TV shows and You Tube videos, this is the perceived and expected way to investigate the paranormal.

Sorry, but we disagree, when we conduct an investigation, we do not use Mediums, Psychics or sensitives, nor do we talk to the dead by using a quija board or holding seances.

What we do is investigate the phenomena that has been reported, by taking environmental readings within the property and looking for a rational explanation to explain the events that have happened or is happening.

To us an investigation should be conducted in a way that is not disrespectful to our client and to take there experiences seriously. Our aim is to help put our clients fears to rest by disproving their experience by identifying the causes through rational and scientific methods. We are NOT Ghost Humters.

Useful Paranormal sites.



UK Paranormal Society


We are here to help you if you need our services

e-mail us at

Text us on 07852 584392

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Paranormal Researchers for Kent

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